Courageous Executives Are Leading A Seismic Public Transportation Change

By Mark Aesch
TransPro CEO

The TransPro team aligns around 10 values – and we strive to embrace them in our personal lives as well as our professional lives.

Value # 8 is Courage: I believe that demonstrating courage and informed risk-taking is an attribute.

This week 10 public transportation executives harvested the results of embracing that value – and are demonstrating courage.

Over the last six months, these agencies have worked in a collaborative manner to actually define the Value of public transportation – not through speeches and esoteric language – but through real math, with clear definitions. They actually have aligned on how to define Equity and also measure it!  They have defined Connectivity and figured out how to measure it. Similarly with customer satisfaction. Can you imagine, a national alignment on how to measure and compare public transportation customer satisfaction as a group?  

These executives are leading a revolutionary change in our industry – moving ahead from the past 50 years when we allowed and embraced the singular definition of success to be based on volume – how many people were moved.  For 50 years it has been inputs rather than outcomes. For 50 years it has been a one size fits all model – whether your agency is in Manhattan or Montana. 

The courage these executives have demonstrated changes that conversation. 

We are thrilled and proud that APTA has embraced this topic and is featuring some of these executives during the Annual Conference in Seattle – truly honoring the title of the conference – to Transform.  These agencies will no longer be shoehorned into having their Value only defined by their Volume. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Tuesday morning session, October 11, in Seattle on Modernizing our Storytelling – and leading the industry to define and deliver Value vs Volume. 


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